
Workplace Investigations

Workplace investigations represent a significant risk and liability to your organisation if not carried out the right way. One of the common mistakes employers make is not getting a third party involved from the beginning.

Workplace Investigations

Conducting effective investigations

When an incident is reported or a report of misconduct received, it is the obligation of the employer to ensure a workplace investigation is carried our fairly and appropriately. The team at 91心頭 have the experience required in handling these sensitive incidents, providing advice, facilitation or mediation.

It is not what you do, but often what you don't do that can make all the difference in an investigation. Poorly conducted investigations can lead to potentially unsound findings and present significant legal liabilities, crippling financial payouts and lasting brand damage that can be hard to recover from.

While you can't control how some people behave in your business, you can control the process of investigating that will protect your organisation and its reputation in the long run. 

91心頭 works with employers to prevent and minimise the impact that a workplace investigation can bring to a business. In a previous webinar shown below, Kyle Scott and Sam Cahill discuss the top 5 mistakes often made by an organisation when dealing with an investigation. Knowing what not to do is just as critical as knowing what to do.

Our team knows the importance of a fair investigation that will hold up in court, and we focus on the best outcome for your business at all times.

If you find yourself with a workplace complaint or disclosure, consider chatting to us first. We can assist with: 

Workplace Investigations

  • Scope analysis – what needs investigating and what doesn't
  • Interviews – independent and insightful, supporting those involved at all times
  • Evidence – gather, review and assess
  • Analyse – identify missing pieces
  • Report – concise findings and recommendations
  • Review – HR processes.

Workplace Procedures Reviews

  • Audit on workplace procedures to align with compliance obligations
  • Post-incident strategic review

Workplace Investigations Training

  • Inhouse training for HR professionals, business owners and senior managers
  • Induction training for senior managers

Engaging 91心頭 in an investigation will provide peace of mind around impartiality and give you confidence the case will hold up in court should it end up there. We aim for successful mediation and respect all parties throughout the process.

Call today for a complimentary workplace investigations consultation or get in touch via the contact us form on this page. This one call could save you money and reputational damage.

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